ChE 110,化学工程概论
Students will gain fundamental engineering skills that apply to all engineering disciplines through problem and cooperative based learning exercises and attain a clear understanding of what chemical engineers practice versus other engineering disciplines, in both 传统和现代的工作环境和职业. 本课程将介绍 engineering calculations such as material and energy balances, cost analysis, and 工程软件程序.
ChE 110L,化学工程实验室导论
This lab focuses on first hand experience of engineering design, calculations, and 使用ChemCAD, Lab VIEW和Excel进行模拟. 此外,数据采集和 分析将会介绍. 小团队将设计、构建和测试一个系统,结果是 在书面报告、口头报告和设计竞赛中.
ChE 326,化学工程原理1
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: CHEM 121 Corequisite: MATH 132
化学计量计算导论. 计算能量和物质平衡. 基本工艺分析和反应器设计. 单相和多相系统. (相同 如METE 326)
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: ChE 326 Corequisite: MATH 231
介绍非稳态,瞬态物质和能量平衡. 解决方案 methods using logic programming, spreadsheets, and process simulation software. 统计 过程分析.
ChE 345L,化学工程设计实验室
1 credit, 3 lab hours; Prerequisites: ES 347, ChE 326 Corequisite: ES 350
团队导向的项目设计. 介绍设计基础和创造性解决问题 技术. 总结团队进展的书面和口头报告.
ChE 349,化学工程热力学
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisites: MATH 231; CHEM 121, PHYS 121; ES 347 is recommended
The theory 和工程 applications of the properties of 混合物, phase and chemical 反应平衡. (与MATE 350相同)
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisites: ChE 326, 349, MATH 335 Corequisite: ES 350
化学反应动力学和化学反应器设计基础. 发展 of rate equations for both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, catalysis, diffusion‐控制led 反应和传递过程. (原编号为ChE 451)
ChE 352,分离过程
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisites: ChE 326, 349 Corequisite: ES 350
The process approach to solving problems that involve equilibrium in binary and multicomponent 混合物. 相平衡,吸收,蒸馏(二元和多组分), 液-液萃取,浸出. 气液分离的分级操作设计 液体-液体,固体-液体和气体-固体混合物. (原编号为ChE 442)
ChE 371,化学工程师的解决方法
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisites: ChE 327 Corequisites: MATH 335, ES 350
Application of analytic and numeric solution 技术 to problems in chemical engineering thermodynamics, fluid transport, heat transfer, mass transfer, kinetics and process 控制. 所涵盖的主题包括线性和非线性代数集的解 equations, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. 强调 will be on solving problems the student will encounter in the field of chemical engineering.
2 credits, 2 class hours; Prerequisites: MATH 335 Corequisites: ChE 371
Process dynamics and 控制 theory applied to chemical, mechanical, and other engineering 流程. 控制系统设计.
ChE 443L,化学过程动力学 & 控制实验室
1 credit, 3 lab hours; Corequisite: ChE 443
系统动力学的计算机建模. 流程的设计、实现和调优 化学过程控制系统.
ChE 445L,单位操作实验室
1 credit, 3 lab hours; Prerequisite: ChE 351, 352
Laboratory exercises to illustrate heat exchange, fluid flow, and mass transport phenomena 在化学加工工业中常见的单元操作中.
3 credits, 1 class hour, 6 lab hours; Prerequisites: ChE 351 and ChE 352
A two‐semester sequence of courses in which a design project is used to illustrate principles and 流程 of chemical plant design, economics, and management. 讲座 topics include intellectual property, capital and operating cost estimation, energy 化学过程的保护、设计优化和规模化. 商业用途 重点介绍了可用的工艺仿真软件.
3 credits, 1 class hour, 6 lab hours; Prerequisite: ChE 461
ChE 461的延续.
ChE 463, 463D,实验设计与分析
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: Senior standing
方法 of statistics and modeling important to many problems in materials science 和工程. 例子是从许多实际经验中挑选出来的. 安全注意事项 and experiment design including analysis of risk, how risks may be integrated, and 应如何建立正式程序. 信息源的使用,如 as材料安全数据表(MSDS). (同MATE 430)
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: PETR 245 or ChE 349
天然气的组成和性质. 气体分离器设计. 可液化物的回收 天然气产品. 调节,传输和压缩,气体的测量, 燃气管道设计,以及储气. (同PETR 464)
ChE 465,催化剂表征技术
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: ChE 349 or MATE 350 or CHEM 332 or instructor’s 同意
The course provides an overview of 技术 used to characterize catalytic materials including data analysis and linking physical and chemical properties to catalytic 实验室和工艺层面的活动. 主题包括x射线方法,中子 scattering methods, physical adsorption, chemical adsorption, temperature programmed 技术, photoelectron spectroscopy, vibrational spectroscopy, and electron microscopy.
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
The principles of fuel cell technology, including classification of fuel cells and 运行机制. 分析潜在的热力学和物理因素 哪些因素决定燃料电池的性能和效率. 细胞成分和整合 电池设计.
ChE 472, 472D,先进传输现象
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: ES 216 and 350 or MATE 314 or 同意 of instructor
动量,热量和质量传递的高级主题. 牛顿和非牛顿 fluid behavior and laminar flow problems, elementary turbulent flow concepts, energy balance applications in incompressible fluid flow, flow and vacuum production. 傅里叶的 law and thermal conductivity of materials, steady state and time dependent heat conduction, 应用于凝固、初等对流换热. 扩散系数的 materials, diffusion in gases, liquids and solids and through porous media, time dependent 扩散和相间传质.
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: MATE 202 or 同意 of instructor
Introduction to classes and performance properties of polymeric materials. 方法 聚合物的合成与加工. 特别强调结构,粘弹性, 机械性能.
3 credits, 2 class hours, 3 lab hours; Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
流变学,量热学和力学测试的基础知识. 一个特定的 使用聚合物(e).g.(环氧树脂)在整个过程和加工过程中 聚合物被覆盖. Students are expected to acquire a working knowledge of the instrumentation 以及课程中使用的分析工具. 这些包括流变仪,量热计,和 机械测试. 主要的分析工具是Kaleidagraph软件. (同MATE) 474.)
ChE 475, 475D,爆炸物担保
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: Upper‐class standing or 同意 of instructor
介绍炸药和其他高能材料. 基本的化学成分, properties and environmental effects of commercial, military, and improvised (terrorist) 炸药和一些烟火将进行比较. 冲击波的基本物理学 和爆轰. 爆炸效果,爆炸探测,标签和环境问题. Case studies or recent bombings will be used to describe a variety of terrorist approaches. Safety in handling of explosive materials and classifications for transportation and 存储. (同exl 414.)
ChE 476给药技术
3 credits, 3 class hours; Prerequisite: Senior standing or 同意 of instructor
Focus is on current developments in drug delivery 技术, with only a brief discussion 常见的临床技术. 课程的第一部分侧重于各种交付 mechanisms and the tools needed to validate successful targeted drug delivery (both 体外、体内和诊断工具).
The second part of the course focuses on current developments in drug delivery based 关于发表的研究论文. 学生将阅读、消化和批判性分析 来自领先研究实验室的科学工作. 学生也将获得宝贵的 communication tools, as each student will present an article of interest to the class. Finally, the third part of the course focuses on important materials characterization methods such as biological sample prep, SEM, TEM, DSC, Flow Cytometry, Fluorescence 显微镜,ELISA检测. 与MATE 576共享讲座,并有额外的期望 研究生学分.
1 credit, 3 lab hours; Prerequisite: Senior standing or 同意 of instructor
学生和外部演讲者的当前感兴趣的主题报告. 同行和 每个学生作业的视频回顾. 职业规划.
ChE 491,独立学习
Credit hours to be arranged; Prerequisite: Consent of instructor