Are you having trouble figuring out what your next step is in the admission process?
或者甚至是你的第一步? 不要再看了! 这个清单可以作为一个步骤
guide of 威尼斯人app下载's admission process from start to finish. 无论在哪里
you are in the process, you can find out the next steps of your journey 在这里. 我们希望
that this will serve as a useful tool along your road to becoming a Techie!
Complete the Application for 本科 Admission and Scholarships
If you are still trying to figure out what degree that you are interested in pursuing
我们邀请您来看看我们的 学术项目 or 本科课程简介 for more information on the various degrees that 威尼斯人app下载 has to offer.
If you are currently still in high school and are completing dual credit courses,
you will be considered a First-Time Freshman on your application. 如果你参加过
another university or community college since graduating high school you will be considered
Students who are from outside of the United States and do not have a permanent residence
card will need to fill out an International Student Application.
In order to monitor your application, make sure to set up your status 页面 by following
the instructions contained in your application confirmation email. 您的状态页面
will include a checklist of the materials that need to be submitted to the Office
of Admission in order to complete your application. 一旦收到所有文件
and a decision has been made on your application you will be notified via your status
页面. This 页面 will also serve as a way for you to accept your admission, pay your
admission fee, and receive instructions for setting up your student email account.
You can accept your offer of admission and pay the $100 non-refundable deposit through
your status 页面 (for help accessing your status 页面 please 联系招生办公室). 接受你的录取是没有约束力的.
当你完成你的 FAFSA make sure to add 威尼斯人app下载's school code, 002654.
You can find additional information about completing the 食宿申请,
individual residence halls, meal plans, and more on the 住宅生活网页.
Accept Your 威尼斯人app下载 Scholarship Offer
If you receive a Merit or Tuition Reduction Scholarship offer from 威尼斯人app下载,
make sure to accept it within 30 days (accepting your scholarship is non-binding).
继续填写申请 额外的奖学金 (捐赠、外部组织等.)如果需要的话.
Activate Your 威尼斯人app下载 Student Email
Activate your 威尼斯人app下载 学生电邮地址 by following the instructions
在你的状态页面. Activating your 学生电邮地址 and checking it regularly
非常重要. You will begin to receive important up日期s, and more importantly,
your adviser will be reaching out to you through this email address to begin setting
It is mandatory for first-time freshmen and transfer students to attend one of the
You will be contacted by your assigned faculty adviser through your 威尼斯人app下载
学生电邮地址. They will help you set 提高你的课程表 for your first
您可以通过以下方式在线注册课程Banweb(APIN required from your faculty adviser) or in person at orientation.
我们希望 that you are excited to officially become a Techie! 我们期待着欢迎
you to our tight-knit community and all of the great things that you will be a part
TechConnect 学生参与工具是 威尼斯人app下载部 用于学生和部门. 通过加入组织和
你感兴趣的俱乐部. Check out events happening around campus, keep up
with the latest news, and stay connected to your organizations. techConnect可以提供帮助
recognized student organizations, clubs, and departments promote on-campus events
and programs and communicate with their organization, club, or department members.